President’s Message for September 2024

Greeting the public

You will see us out and about in the community this fall with our canopy and mental health information table. We offer details about NAMI programs and other area mental health supports as well. We are happy to return to Bedford, Acton, and Maynard for their annual town events and are delighted to be attending the Melrose Farmer’s Market for the first time. Stop by and say, “Hi,” or consider volunteering as a table greeter.

Interacting with the public at one of these events is a quickly rewarding experience. Having short conversations about resources, handing over a helpful flyer, or accepting a thank you from someone helped by NAMI all ignite that “it feels good to help” feeling. Friendly NAMI supporters who can offer a smile, a kind word, and information about NAMI are welcome to fill this role. Volunteers typically serve in pairs during a shift of a few hours.

  • Sept 19: Melrose Farmer's Market, Bowden Park Melrose, 1:00-3:30

  • Sept 21: Bedford Day, Bedford Center, 10:00-2:00

  • Sept 28: Octoberfest, West Acton, 10:00-3:00

  • Oct 5: Maynardfest, Maynard Downtown, 9:00-3:30

Please contact Judy McKendry,, about available time slots for serving as a greeter for our community outreach table program. We have set up and take down opportunities as well.

Looking ahead

Things to look forward to in coming weeks include our annual “Stand Up to Stigma” scarecrow contest. Year 9! We will also be working with Emerson Hospital Community Benefits to create goals for the next three years for mental health engagement in the service area for the hospital. We will join representatives from the Mystic Valley Regional Behavioral Health Coalition to gather with public health officials in the region to discuss outreach to underserved populations. It is great to be part of a teams of institutions and individuals coming together to support mental health awareness and access. Thanks for supporting those efforts!


Talking about Suicide