President’s Message for January 2024
Happy new year to our readers! Our affiliate’s new year resolutions always start with our annual meeting in January. We make sure to thank our volunteers at the event, but, with the dawn of Zoom meetings, that thank you has turned in to an overcrowded slide viewed for just a moment. This year we will also honor them in our newsletter.
Our board members, membership team, and auditor keep the nuts and bolts of our 501c3 organization running smoothly and our NAMIWalks numbers strong. Our communication specialists and outreach team connect us to our members, other mental health stakeholders, and the public. The college panel organizers, the faith community forum group, and our teachers bring light to information, techniques, and skills. Our facilitators and help line monitors make themselves consistently available to support others.
Thank you to our dedicated volunteers who give of their time, energy, and experience
. . . here comes the mission statement. . . to help build better lives for people living with mental health conditions and their families. It’s a big deal, so THANK YOU ALL! See their names in the button below.
We also want to offer thanks to our financial donors, large and small. Those continuing memberships are important. With deep appreciation we want to recognize Workers Credit Union for selecting NAMI Central Middlesex as a recipient of their Workers Kindness charitable giving program. Their members help decide how to allot donations to a few local organizations. Their substantial donation will help keep our affiliate going strong.
Our next big resolution for 2024 is to do our best to keep the newsletter full of helpful information. If you see an article that might include information we should share with our readers, send it along. If you want to write an article yourself or there is a topic you think we should cover, let us know. We stand ready to listen and communicate!
There is also an opportunity to connect with a media outlet that shines a bit brighter than The Bridge newsletter. A contributing journalist to The Boston Globe, Eli Cahan, is writing a piece about the CBHCs and the adult & youth crisis stabilization beds. Mr. Cahan is interested in speaking with individuals who have experience with these new programs. If you would like to be part of this project, contact Mr. Cahan by January 10th at
Here’s hoping the new year brings joy to all our members and readers.