The Scoop on the BHHL at Annual Meeting
What’s up with the Behavioral Health Help Line?
How does it work? When should I use it? Can they help me find a therapist or psychiatrist? Who answers the calls? Can I text them? What do they mean by a “warm handoff?” Can a family member call? Is it a good option in a crisis? Is it staffed 24/7? What kind of referrals do they arrange? How can we help spread the word about it? Becky Barnett has all the answers, some nifty data, and a good ear for listening. She is the Community Relations Manager for the Help Line and the speaker for our annual meeting.
Becky Barnett, Community Relations Manager, Behavioral Health Help Line
What’s up with NAMI Central Middlesex?
We will gather online for our annual meeting on Monday, January 22nd. We’ll start off at 6:45 pm with an opportunity to chat with Central Middlesex board members. At 7:00 we’ll dig in to a review of our 2023 activities and achievements and thank our volunteers. Members will be asked to vote on our slate of board candidates. (Is your NAMI membership up to date?) Then we’ll welcome our speaker and any guests from the public at about 7:15. Our board members will stick around after the presenter’s Q&A to speak with attendees and listen to suggestions for 2024 affiliate activities. Please register for the Zoom meeting in the button link below.
Zoom protocol doesn’t allow for meeting start times on the quarter hour. Note that the registration link says the meeting starts at 6:30, but we will gather at 6:45. Attendees will be granted access to the meeting at whatever time they care to join.