Mental Health through the Lens of Education: Success at College is Possible
NAMI’s Northeast Essex affiliate will host an in person workshop featuring staff and students from Northern Essex Community College in Haverhill on Tuesday, November 19, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 P.M. There is an opportunity to join via Zoom.
The panel discussion will be facilitated by Joanna Fortna, Pres. DMH Site Board, Pres. Nami Northeast Essex, and NECC Professor Emerita. Panelists include:
o Gabriel Garcia, Mental Health Counselor at NECC
o Kathleen Bartolini, NECC Adjunct Professor Human Services, Mental Health First Aid Instructor
o Cheryl Wilson, NECC Disability Service Specialist
o Several NECC students
The program is open to all including families, students (high school and college), educators, professionals, veterans, employers, individuals with lived experience, and mental health providers. For additional information click the link below.