NAMIWalks Massachusetts: Saturday, May 20, 2023
From our archives: NAMI Central Middlesex at NAMIWalks 2017
In 2017, NAMIWalks Massachusetts was exceptional— the weather was wonderful; the crowd was enthusiastic. This year, with your help, NAMIWalks will be exceptional once again. With 6 weeks until our own inspirational day, it is time to start your preparations for “our” NAMI Walk! Are you ready to join the NAMI crowd in the sunshine (either in actual weather or in our thoughts and minds) this year?
Save the date to join the crowd for our “stigma free” day of joy and happiness: Saturday, May 20, 2023. It’s time to join a team and ask for donations to NAMI from friends and family. Get involved! For those who cannot join us in person this year, join as a “virtual walker.” Ask for donations to NAMI. We need your help, too!
If you are able, donate your time at the 2023 NAMIWalks Massachusetts event on May 20th at Artesani Park in Brighton. Visit: : Apply to be a Volunteer It’s always best to have everyone involved in many different ways. If you’ve got a skill or a capability that's not on the task list, feel free to suggest under "Other"
If you have a loved one you’d like to support publicly at the event, we invite you to order a tribute sign that reads, “In Honor Of…” or “In Memory Of…”. Your dedicated sign will find a home right in the middle of the day’s action. These are available for a donation of $150. Signs will be 24" wide and 18" high. If interested, complete this tribute sign order form. Responses may be emailed to or mailed to the NAMI Mass office; if you choose to mail in your form, please be aware that to ensure this is printed and completed on time, your form must be received before Friday, April 28.
For our own NAMI Central Middlesex Affiliate, the dedicated work of our members for this year’s walk is happening. Walkers and supporters will be signing up in earnest in early April; that is now! Several of the NAMI Central Middlesex Teams are registered ready for you to sign up.
NAMI is depending on us! It’s time to MAKE IT HAPPEN. Sign-up and set your goals for this year’s NAMIWalks Massachusetts! Help build the teams and invite friends and family to join! We’re all in this together, which is our clear statement to the world: none of us are alone!
CLICK one of the links below to join your NAMI Central Middlesex Team:
1) NAMI Central Middlesex:
2) Family-to-Family Central Middlesex:
Thank you for your dedication to NAMI.
Captain Tom
Tom Scurfield
Walk Coordinator