EmerSong, a Cappella Supporting Local Mental Health

Join the Auxiliary of Emerson Health for EmerSong, a cabaret-style a cappella festival, and support local mental health efforts. Your ticket price and/or donation fund improvements and programs for behavioral health service areas within Emerson Hospital in Concord. There will be a 3:00 pm and a 7:30pm performance at the 51 Walden Performance Center in Concord MA on Saturday, April 6th.

EmerSong was first conceived in 2017 in response to growing concern about behavioral health challenges in the region. Over the years the live performances and virtual campaigns during the COVID-19 time frame raised nearly $90,000. In recent years, NAMI Central Middlesex offered generous donations to the cause.

Among the initiatives these funds have supported are coping kits known as Anchor bags. These kits, which provide items such as puzzles and fidget tools to help calm and distract, are given to adolescents who enter Emerson’s emergency department and receive treatment for behavioral health. Funding also provided for improvements to two emergency department behavioral health treatment rooms, and upgrades to adult intensive treatment spaces. These include psychiatric-safe weighted furniture, electronic tablets and headphones, lockers, and safe televisions for both the emergency department and the intensive treatment unit.  

This year’s goal is to raise $15,000, which is earmarked for artistic and creative programs and to improve the overall behavioral health patient and visitor experience.  A mural with a peaceful theme is in consideration for a space in the intensive treatment unit.

Please click the button below for additional details and ticket information.

Emerson Health Auxiliary Anchor Bag displayed on NAMI Central Middlesex Community Information table at 2023 EmerSong event.


“Sharing Our Stories” for Spring Self Care Week


Events & Resources March 2024