Events & Resources March 2024

Statewide Young Adult Council Meeting

Join DMH’s Statewide Young Adult Council meeting for networking, speakers, and open conversation. They meet every forth Tuesdays, 3:30-5:00 via Zoom. That’s on the 27th for March. For the Zoom link contact:

Vinfen Film Festival

Each year, Vinfen uses the power of film to raise awareness, foster important dialogue, and fight against the discrimination and stigma so often faced by people with mental health conditions and disabilities. This year’s Film Festival is in-person on Saturday, March 23rd at GBH Studios in Boston, and will feature screenings of feature-length and short films, as well as panel discussions with filmmakers, human services professionals, and individuals with lived experience. There is also an evening reception where festival guests can mix and mingle! More info here:

Horses can Teach you how to Live in Harmony

High Ridge Harmony Farm is a non-profit organization promoting mental and emotional health in central MA. The mission is to provide animal assisted healing and wellness programs for youth aged 10-22. The programs foster healing and wellness, offering a nurturing environment and equipping people with effective stress-coping tools and resiliency building opportunities. Learn more at:

Mental Health Insurance Parity

Federal law requires parity between mental health/substance use disorder benefits and medical/surgical benefits. This means that health plans can’t impose barriers on your access to mental health and substance use disorder benefits that don’t apply to medical and surgical benefits. This 2023 guide from the U.S. Department of Labor will help you understand your rights to parity: Understanding your Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Benefits.

The Hopeful Elephant Organization, Starting Conversations

The Hopeful Elephant organization, a non-profit based in Woburn MA, aims to make the world a better place, one conversation at a time. They offer conversation starter kits that include Theo, the stuffed elephant in the room. Whether at your coffee table, your local community center, or within your office spaces, Theo stands ready to remind everyone that talking is the new superpower. Individuals and community groups that nurture open conversation are welcome to explore the Theo process. Learn more at:

Overlooked: Stories of Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System

In conjunction with National Criminal Justice Month, NAMI is highlighting stories from NAMI advocates about their first-hand experiences in the criminal justice system. Ultimately, the goal is to help our communities understand these experiences, raise awareness of the injustices faced by too many people and advocate for equitable treatment and support rather than discrimination and criminalization. Learn about the program here: Watch videos from NAMI advocates, sign a petition to promote equitable mental health services for incarcerated individuals and/or send an email to your federal legislators about bills that increase support for those exiting the criminal justice system. See some local support options, including Mental Health Specialty Courts, for the criminal justice involved in our area on our Resources page.

NAMI Central Middlesex Board of Directors 2024

All current board members may be contacted through the affiliate email address, Our March board meeting is set for Monday the 11th at 6:30 pm via Zoom and is open to our membership.

President: Lori Krinsky
Vice President: Dawn Bentley
Secretary: Rachel Krebs
Treasurer: Jennie Payne
Community Outreach Coordinator: Judy McKendry
NAMIWalks Coordinator: Tom Scurfield
Advocacy Coordinator: Lori Krinsky
Support & Education Coordinator: Ivy Pompei
Board Member at Large: Dee Febba


EmerSong, a Cappella Supporting Local Mental Health


President’s Message for February 2024