McLean’s Guide to Managing Mental Health Around the Holidays

The holiday coping guide from McLean Hospital recognizes that this time of year can be stressful. They note that it might be especially true for those living with mental health conditions by offering a quote from NAMI, “To make matters worse, the National Alliance on Mental Illness noted that 64% of individuals living with a mental illness felt that their conditions worsened around the holidays.”

The article highlights “6 Signs You May Be Struggling Around the Holidays” and offers “suggestions from mental health experts for ways to address them.” The six signs include: You’re Lacking the Holiday Spirit, You’re Overwhelmed by Grief and Loss, You’re Feeling Pressured to Participate in Activities—and Want No Part of Them, You’re Stressed About Giving Gifts, There’s Not Much Sunlight at All, and It’s Affecting Your Mood, and You’re Alone or Feeling Isolated. Read the full article in the button below.


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