Scarecrow Contest Virtual Vote

Here is the first chance ever to vote virtually, without a trip to Acton, for your favorite in our “Stand Up to Stigma” Scarecrow Contest!

At the farm stand, voters offer a $1 cash donation per vote. For our online option, voters can arrange for their vote and donation through Venmo. Use the QR code or click the NAMI Central Middlesex Venmo link button below. Be sure to customize your Venmo’s personal note to indicate the name and number of the scarecrow you are voting for. Every dollar donated counts as a vote for your favorite. Online voting ends at 5:00 pm on Monday, October 30th. First, second, and third place prizes announced November 1st.

Right after the votes are tallied, the scarecrows must come down. We need some helping hands to make that happen. Please let us know if you can join us at Cucurbit Farm, 32 Parker St. in Acton, for about an hour starting at 10:00 on Wednesday, November 1st. Contact:


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