Kiva Centers—What Are They?
Kiva Centers are nationally recognized peer-run and trauma-informed groups that offer training, technical assistance, and networking opportunities statewide across Massachusetts. The Kiva Centers are your connection to the Massachusetts Certified Peer Specialist (CPS) Training, the Massachusetts Statewide Peer Network, Karaya and Juniper Peer Respites, the Central Mass Recovery Learning Community (CMRLC), and more. The Kiva Centers’ focus is the development and promotion of healing communities for people experiencing different social class impacts like trauma, mental health, and substance use.
Their approach:
Peer-Led, Person-Centered Support
Lived and Living Experiences
Advocacy and Change Initiatives
They believe in every person’s right to autonomy, self-determination, and reclamation over their own experiences. They believe that relationships are at the center of what heals people who have experienced emotional distress; we are united by our shared experience and common humanity; our stories and collective wisdom guide us and our community to liberation. Thus, Kiva Centers focus on:
Mutual Support and Transparency
Shared Stories and Wisdom
Peer Support Training
Advocacy and Systems Change
Soon the Kiva Centers will offer Certified Peer Specialist Training. Class dates are July 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27, August 1, 3, 8, and 10. The class is online, meeting twice weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am to 4 pm. Attendance is required. The deadline to apply is May 5th. Apply for Kiva Centers CPS Training
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