In Person Basics Course for Parents of Adolescents

In Person in Beverly MA: starts October 15, 2024

NAMI Basics covers

· Managing crises, solving problems, and communicating effectively

· How to take care of yourself and handle stress

· Developing the confidence and stamina to support your child with compassion

· Advocating for your child’s rights at school and in health care settings

· Learning about current treatments, including evidence-based therapies, medications, and side effects

· Gaining an overview of the public mental health care, school, and juvenile justice systems and supporting resources to help you navigate these systems

· Understanding the challenges and impact of mental health conditions on your entire family

Register for the fall course in Beverly

Meets in person in Beverly MA onTuesdays
Starts October 15th runs through November 19, 6:30 pm – 9 pm
Registration: Basics Beverly Fall 2024
To connect with the teachers contact: Bev at, 978-887-9845 or Theresa at, 978-204-7586 or Brian at, 617-257-1767

Sign up on the wait list for future courses

Registration for Basic Course Wait List: Basics Course Wait List.

Family Support Group for Parents of Teens and Young Adults

Our Teen to Adult Parent Support Group (TTAPS) is for parents/caregivers of adolescents and transitional age youth living with emotional and mental health challenging. This free group meets online every other Thursday from 7:00-8:30 pm. Additional information and a calendar of meeting dates available here: TTAPS Info.


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Planning for the Financial Future with a Special Needs Trust