Events & Resources November 2023

Clozapine: Why aren’t we using this Schizophrenia treatment?

ONLINE Education presented by NAMI-NYC:

When: Nov. 15, 6 - 7:30 pm
Speaker: Dr. Rob Laitman
Available effective treatments for schizophrenia, particularly clozapine.
Concerns about clozapine and why it’s underutilized.
Barriers to clozapine use in New York and nationally.
How to advocate for greater clozapine use within the mental healthcare system.

NAMI Ask the Expert

Bipolar Disorder: Advancements in Research & Treatment
Date & Time:
Thursday, Nov. 16 at 4 pm ET
During this webinar, Dr. Andrew Nierenberg of Massachusetts General Hospital will give an overview of the most up-to-date research and current data available on the long-term course of Bipolar Depression and its treatment. Dr. Nierenberg will share information about the latest treatment options, inspiring hope in audience members that recovery is possible.
Register: HERE

Adult Mental Health First Aid Training

Free of charge
When: Nov. 9 and 16, 9-12
Location: Council on Aging, 20 Pleasant Street, Westford, MA 01886
Register by Nov. 3: Please contact Nicole Laviolette at

NEW: Family Support Group for Parents of Pre-teen to Teens (POPS) – Virtual

When: 4th Wednesday of the month, starting October 25
Time: 7 – 9 pm via Zoom
Contact: Robin at and Joy at

Developing Strategies and Finding Community in Support Groups

A NAMI Blog all about the experience in a peer support group.

How to help your loved one with depression living far away

Blog from Families for Depression Awareness:
Approximately 11 % of Americans provide care for a family member who lives an hour or more away. With your loved one with depression living far away, the distance can make it difficult to know how they’re doing.
Continue reading:

Share YOUR Experiences with Mass DMH

The Massachusetts Department of Mental Health has an online option to encourage individuals to share comments/complaints about interacting with the Community Behavioral Health Centers (CBHCs) or the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Helpline. If you have had need of these new services, please take this opportunity to make your experiences known. Click here: Roadmap Feedback Portal

November 2023 Calendar

Refer to the Support Group page of our website to find contact details.

Thursday, November 2: Teen to Adult Parent Support Group (TTAPS), 7 – 8:30 pm
Monday, November 6: NAMI Central Middlesex Steering Committee Meeting, 7 pm. Contact us if you would like to participate:
Thursday, November 9: Family Support Group, Burlington, 7:30 – 8:45 pm
Tuesday, November 14: Family Support Group, Acton/Littleton, 7 – 8:30 pm
Tuesday, November 14: Family Support Group, Winchester, 6:45 – 8:45 pm
Thursday, November 16: Teen to Adult Parent Support Group (TTAPS), 7 – 8:30 pm
Tuesday, November 28: Family Support Group, Acton/Littleton, 7 – 8:30 pm
Tuesday, November 28: Family Support Group, Bedford, 7:30 – 9 pm
Thursday, November 30: Teen to Adult Parent Support Group (TTAPS), 7 – 8:30 pm
Monday, December 4: NAMI Central Middlesex Steering Committee Meeting, 7 pm. Contact us if you would like to participate:

NAMI Central Middlesex Board of Directors 2023

All current board members may be contacted through the affiliate email address,

President: Lori Krinsky
Vice President: Open
Secretary: Rachel Krebs
Treasurer: Jennie Payne
Community Outreach Coordinator: Judy McKendry
NAMIWalks Coordinator: Tom Scurfield
Advocacy Coordinator: Lori Krinsky
Support & Education Coordinator: Ivy Pompei
Board Member at Large: Dee Febba
Board Member at Large: Dawn Bentley


Ending the Silence for Families, in Westford


Learn to Recognize the Warning Signs of Suicide and What to Do.