Tailored to Teens, Young Adults and their Families

Concerns about teen and young adult mental health have been growing. There are multiple free local, state, and national supports and resources in place to help young people living with signs and symptoms of mental health conditions and to assist their parents/caregivers as well.

Local NAMI Family Support Group

Our Central Middlesex affiliate sponsors a Teen to Adult Parent Support Group (TTAPS) for parents/caregivers of adolescents and transitional age youth living with emotional and mental health challenges. All the facilitators for this group are raising children with mental health conditions and can offer empathy, experience, and a stigma free space for conversation with those in similar situations. The group meets online every other Thursday from 7:00-8:30 pm. Contact the facilitators at ttapsgroup@gmail.com for Zoom details. For more information and a calendar of meeting dates: Teen to Adult Parent Support Group Info.

NAMI’s Teen to Adult Resource Directory

NAMI’s national organization created a Teen & Young Adult HelpLine Resource Directory that offers articles, webinars, and resources around topics including accommodations at school, coping skills, crisis options, first episode psychosis, grief support, relationships, talking about mental health, self care, and social media. It also covers specific diagnoses and resources for cultural communities: nami.org/NAMI/media/NAMI-Media/Images/FactSheets/NAMI-Teen-and-Young-Adult-HelpLine-Resource-Directory.pdf

National Call, Text, or Chat Services

NAMI Teen & Young Adult HelpLine: nami.org/help 1-800-950-6264 (call, chat, and text)
Hey Sam: samaritanshope.org/our services/hey-sam 1-877-832-0890 (text)
Your Life/Your Voice: yourlifeyourvoice.org 1-800-448-3000 (call, chat, and text)
Teen Line: teenline.org 1-800-266-7883 (call, text, email)
Trevor Lifeline for LGBTQ youth: thetrevorproject.org 1-866-488-7386 (call, chat, and text)

Programs in Massachusetts

Speaking of Hope: speakingofhope.org. Speaking of Hope is a web and social media platform that supports mental wellness for young adults in Massachusetts.

Statewide Young Adult Council (SYAC): This program brings together youth, young adults, and providers to garner advice for the Department of Mental Health (DMH) and other young adult service organizations. They sponsor a monthly online meeting on the 3rd Tuesday from 2:00-3:30pm for Massachusetts youth and young adults (age 16+). For more info about SYAC meetings contact Colby Mills: cmills@ppal.net.

The NAN Project: thenanproject.org. The NAN Project works to promote mental health awareness and suicide prevention programs for young people, using a peer-to-peer model.

Support for the College Bound

NAMI’s Mental Health College Guide: collegeguide.nami.org. This is an online guide that helps students navigate the transition to balancing college life and living with a mental health condition.

JED Foundation: jedfoundation.org. This is a nonprofit that protects the emotional health and prevents suicide for our nation’s teens and young adults, giving them the skills and support they need to thrive. They work on campuses and in schools and offer multiple support options including tips for transitioning to college life.


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